Uttaranchal University joins hands with University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Uttaranchal University

On 5th March 2025, Uttaranchal University witnessed an exciting engagement as a delegate namely Mr Sebastian Kuntze, Manager International, University of Technology Sydney, Australia, visited the University to interact with students.

Shri Jitender Joshi, President of the University, extended a warm welcome to Mr Sebastian Kuntze, Manager International, UTS, Sydney followed by a lamp lighting ceremony. On this occasion Prof (Dr) Shravan Kumar, Director, Office of International Affairs, Prof (Dr) Sumit Chaudhary, Director, UIT, and Prof (Dr) Sonal Sharma, Director, USCS, along with the faculty members were present.
The session interactive session by Mr Sebastian Kuntze, focusing on global exposure at UTS, drew a large and enthusiastic crowd of students from the Engineering and Computer Sciences departments. The interactive session provided students with valuable insights into the Australian education system, job opportunities, and cultural experiences. Students actively participated in the discussion, clarifying their queries and exploring potential opportunities for global studies.
Afterwards, there was a productive discussion on potential collaborative initiatives, including course mapping, credits, dual degree programs, student exchange programs, and study abroad programs etc. with the Directors of UIT and USCS. This was followed by a meeting with the management including Ms Ankita Joshi, Vice President, Dr Abhishek Joshi, Executive Director, SA & IT Services, Prof (Dr) Dharam Buddhi, Vice- Chancellor, Prof (Dr) Rajesh Bahuguna, Pro Vice- Chancellor, Dr Anuj Kumar Rana, Registrar, Prof (Dr) Shravan Kumar, Director, Office of International Affairs, Dr Rajesh Deorari, Director IQAC, and Dr Sarvesh Rustagi, Director, International Admissions were present.
This initiative is part of Uttaranchal University’s efforts to promote global learning and provide students with international exposure. The event was successfully coordinated by the Office of International Affairs, Uttaranchal University.

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