No Smoking Day

Uttaranchal University


The Globe Club of Uttaranchal Institute of Management, in collaboration with the Jai Youth Wing Shri Nityanand Swami Jan Sewa Samiti, successfully organized a rally on 13 March 2024, to commemorate No Smoking Day. With an emphasis on the need for a smoke-free and healthy community, the event sought to raise awareness of the detrimental consequences of smoking on both human health and the environment. The rally commenced with a spirited gathering at the Uttaranchal University, where enthusiastic participants from diverse backgrounds came together to make a collective stand against the perils of smoking. Shri Jitendra Joshi Ji, Chancellor, Uttaranchal University motivated the participants and officially flagged off the journey, setting the tone for a day dedicated to raising awareness and promoting a healthier society. The rally's carefully thought-out itinerary made sure to pass past several important parts of the campus, increasing its visibility and outreach. Carrying banners, posters, and educational booklets, the participants marched with the intention of raising awareness about the negative effects of smoking. In his speech, Prof (Dr) Abhishek Joshi, Executive Director, Uttaranchal University emphasised the global initiatives aimed at promoting health and well-being (SDG 3), underscoring the significance of the occasion that extends beyond regional borders. 

In the rally's closing ceremony at Uttaranchal University, Prof (Dr) Pradeep Suri, Dean, UIM greeted and applauded each student who had taken part. Dr Tilottama Singh, HoD, UIM conveyed her sincere appreciation to the institution's higher authority for their steadfast assistance in helping Uttaranchal Institute of Management to plan this significant occasion. The event spread the anti-smoking message more widely and successfully.

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