Law College Dehradun, under the auspices of Uttaranchal University, organized a significant event focused on Pre-Marital Counselling on 1st March 2024. Dr Gyanendra K. Sharma, CEO Pranav Vashishtha Legal Clinic, District and Session Judge (Retd) served as the chief guest for the day along with Prinita Vashishtha Junior associate Psychology and Law. The event aimed to shed light on the importance of Counselling before marriage and its role in fostering healthy relationships and marriages. The event commenced with the lighting of the lamp, symbolizing the dispelling of darkness with knowledge by Prof Rajesh Bahuguna, Pro Vice Chancellor & Dean Law College Dehradun, and Prof Poonam Rawat, Principal Law College Dehradun. In the Inaugural Address Prof Rajesh Bahuguna expressed his gratitude to Dr Sharma for gracing the occasion and emphasizing the relevance of Pre-Marital Counselling in the context of modern relationships.
Dr Gyanendra K. Sharma highlighted the importance of understanding the legal, emotional, and societal aspects of marriage, and how counselling can provide couples with the necessary tools to navigate challenges and build a strong foundation for their relationship. The discussions explored various aspects including legal rights and responsibilities, communication skills, conflict resolution strategies, and financial planning. The event included interactive sessions where attendees had the opportunity to ask questions. These sessions provided a platform for open dialogue and exchange of ideas, allowing participants to gain valuable insights and perspectives on Pre-Marital Counselling.
The workshop concluded with the vote of thanks by Dr Poonam Rawat who expressed her appreciation to all the participants and members for their contribution to the success of the event. The event served as a catalyst for raising awareness about the importance of pre-marital counselling and empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their relationships and marriages.