World Soil Day Celebration

Uttaranchal University


School of Agriculture, Uttaranchal University, with utmost zeal and enthusiasm celebrated World Soil Day on 5 December 2023. The event aimed to raise awareness about the importance of soil in our daily lives, particularly its role in sustaining food production and promoting environmental sustainability. The celebration commenced with an inauguration ceremony that included a welcome address by the Dean, School of Agriculture, emphasizing the significance of World Soil Day and the chosen theme, 'Soil: Where Food Begins.' This set the tone for the day's activities. Dr Atin Kumar delivered talks on soil health, conservation practices, and sustainable agriculture. These sessions provided valuable insights into the importance of maintaining healthy soils for food security and environmental balance. One of the highlights of the celebration was the active participation of students in a plantation drive. Under the guidance of faculty members, students from the School of Agriculture engaged in planting activities on the campus. This hands-on activity aimed to instil a sense of responsibility towards the environment and promote sustainable agricultural practices. The ceremony also included closing remarks by Dr Rajendra Prasad, HoD, SOA, and a pledge to continue promoting soil health and sustainable agricultural practices. 

It not only educated the participants about the crucial role of soil in food production but also inspired them to take proactive steps towards soil conservation and sustainable agriculture. The event reinforced the importance of collective efforts in preserving our soils for the benefit of present and future generations. 

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