UIM organised “Financial Literacy: Equipping the Next Generation for a Dynamic Economy”

Uttaranchal University

The Uttaranchal Institute of Management, Uttaranchal University successfully organized an International Webinar titled “Financial Literacy: Equipping the Next Generation for a Dynamic Economy” on 25 February 2025. The event commenced with a welcome address and an introduction of the guest speaker by the Prof (Dr) Pradeep Suri, Director, UIM. 

The keynote speaker, Mr. Marcus Moulding, Program Head of Financial Services at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada, began his presentation with a thought-provoking phrase: “Money can’t buy happiness”, but it does play a significant role in providing security, freedom, and reducing stress. He emphasized that financial literacy could help alleviate stress, promote independence, and foster confidence by enabling individuals to manage their finances, create budgets, understand savings, and pursue goals without unnecessary worry. Essentially, financial literacy is about living well and on one's own terms. 

Mr Moulding explored the essential question of what financial literacy is and why it is crucial in today's rapidly evolving economic landscape. He outlined the core pillars of financial literacy, focusing on the fundamental principles that shape financial decision-making. He highlighted the challenges faced by the next generation, such as the lack of financial education in schools, high student loans, credit card debt and economic instability. 

He stressed the need for a comprehensive understanding of financial concepts in increasingly complex financial environments, advocating for the integration of financial literacy in schools, parental and community involvement, and the guidance of financial professionals and mentors. In the concluding session, Mr. Moulding addressed various queries from the students, engaging in an interactive question-and-answer session. 

The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Prof (Dr) Tilottama Singh, HoD, UIM, who expressed gratitude to the guest speaker, participants, and the organizing team for making the webinar a success. 

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