Funding opportunities from Government Scientific Departments

Uttaranchal University


Dr. Hariharan elucidated the government's prioritization of initiatives to improve diverse sections of society. This commitment is evident in the allocation of scholarships and permeates through various scientific projects aimed at addressing the unique needs and challenges faced by different demographic groups. By placing scientific and social responsibility at the forefront of its policy, the government is actively working to bridge gaps and create opportunities that uplift the entire spectrum of the population. 

Furthermore, Dr. Hariharan expounded on the visionary aspects of Mission Innovation, a landmark initiative announced by the Government of India. This innovative mission underscores the government's dedication to fostering innovation across various sectors. It is a testament to India's ambition to emerge as a global hub for groundbreaking research and transformative technologies. The government's commitment to innovation is not only seen as a means to bolster the nation's scientific prowess but also as a tool for driving economic growth, creating employment opportunities, and addressing societal challenges through creative solutions. 

In summary, Dr. P.R. Hariharan's detailed exposition in his address highlighted the government's multifaceted approach, intertwining scientific pursuits with a profound sense of social responsibility. The scholarships and initiatives outlined underscore a commitment to inclusivity, ensuring that the benefits of scientific advancements and innovation are accessible to all segments of society, aligning with the broader vision of a progressive and equitable India.  

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