Uttaranchal Institute of Technology, Uttaranchal University, Dehradun observed Engineer’s Day with a big cheer and applaud. Engineer’s Day is celebrated on the birth anniversary of a great Civil Engineer, Sir Moksha Gundam Visvesvaraya. Sir M Visvesvaraya is very well known for his works in engineering like the construction of river dams, bridges, pure water for drinking etc. UIT organized a grand event to commemorate National Engineers Day to provide a platform for students to highlight their technical prowess, foster innovation, and inspire future engineers.
The event was inaugurated by Shri Jitendra Joshi, Chancellor, Prof (Dr) Satbir Sehgal, Vice President, Vice Chancellor Prof (Dr) Dharam Buddhi, Vice-Chancellor, Prof (Dr) Rajesh Bahuguna, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Prof (Dr) Abhishek Joshi Executive Director, Student Affairs and IT Services, Prof (Dr) S D Pandey Dean UIT, Prof (Dr) Bharti Ramola, Mr Abhinav Ankur an Alumnus of UIT graced the occasion as a Chief Guest. The students presented various performances like singing, dancing, and monologues. The honorable Chancellor of the university, Shri Jitender Joshi shared his thought with everyone that only hard work and persistence is the key to make a better life and how technology has changed over time and how engineers must keep up to this fast-moving technology. Prof (Dr) S D Pandey highlighted the importance of Engineer’s Day. Mr Abhinav Ankur also shared his college life experience and his strategies he uses in his college days and motivated students by his words.
Prof Rajesh Bahuguna congratulated and gave their best wishes to the future engineers and encouraged them to always contribute for the welfare of the nation. On this occasion, various other technical and non-technical events also came into light. Students participated whole-heartedly in various events like Model Presentation, Cook without Fire and Online Gaming.