Seminar on “How to Control Your Senses in Challenging Situations”

UU Doon


On August 23, 2023, the Uttaranchal School of Computing Sciences (USCS) at Uttaranchal University organized a seminar titled "How to Control Your Senses in Challenging Situations" for the incoming freshmen. The seminar aimed to equip participants with a deeper understanding of how their sensory experiences influence their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors when faced with difficult situations.

Dr. Swati Misra, a clinical psychologist and renowned motivational speaker in organizations like Bramhmkumaris, HP, and IRIS, was the guest speaker for the event. The seminar commenced with the felicitation of Dr. Swati Misra by Prof. (Dr.) Sonal Sharma, the Dean of USCS. In her keynote address, she emphasized the importance of maintaining balance as a human being, cultivating adaptability, flexibility, maturity, and a positive mindset. She urged attendees never to compromise on their fundamental human needs, regardless of their level of success.

Dr. Swati Misra delved into the significance of each sense and how to exercise control over them. She encouraged students to connect with their inner selves, emphasizing that the soul often knows how to heal itself. Dr. Misra highlighted the equal power and control each individual possesses over their senses. She explained the distinction between "Drishti" and "Darashtikon" and how perception plays a pivotal role in understanding the world. Maintaining control over senses leads to peace and happiness, while losing control can result in illusions, attachments, and suffering.

Dr. Sameer Dev Sharma, HOD of USCS, expressed gratitude in the closing remarks. The event was skillfully coordinated by Ms. Divya Rawat, Ms. Manisha Saini, Ms. Manisha Khanduja, Mr. Praveen Shah, and Mr. Shubham Sharma, with valuable support from volunteer students and technical staff, ensuring its success.

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