Uttaranchal Institute of Management organized Faculty Orientation Programme

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Uttaranchal Institute of Management, Uttaranchal University organized the Faculty Orientation programme on 22 July, 2023. This faculty orientation programme aimed at to provide new faculty members with the necessary information, resources, and support to effectively contribute to the institution's mission and foster a sense of belonging within the community. 

Dr. Abhilasha Chauhan, Assistant Professor, UIM, Uttaranchal University, briefed the importance of faculty orientation programme and welcomed the new faculty members. The programme further proceeded with the formal introduction of the new faculty members. 

Prof. (Dr.) Pradeep Suri, Dean, UIM extended a warm welcome to the new faculty members. Prof. Suri quoted that presence of new faculty signifies a new beginning for them and a significant milestone in their academic community.  

Dr. Tilottama Singh, HoD UIM addressed on departmental activities undertaken by the UIM. She embarked the importance of smooth execution and coordination among faculty members. Afterwards, Dr. Deepti Sharma, the DIQAC of UIM, eloquently emphasized in her address the Mission, Vision, and Core Values of Uttaranchal University to the new faculty members.  

In his address, Dr. Anil Singh Chauhan, the COE of UIM, diligently elucidated the Examination and Evaluation Scheme of Uttaranchal University to the new faculty members. He emphasized the importance of maintaining academic rigor, fairness, and transparency in the evaluation process, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.  

Thereafter, Mr. Rohit Dhiman, Assistant Professor UIM, adeptly introduced the ERP functions of Uttaranchal University to the new faculty members. 

Ms. Sonakshi Bhatia, the Head of Cultural & Academic Events, enthusiastically introduced the diverse Clubs and Cells at Uttaranchal Institute of Management to the new faculty members. She emphasized their vital role in promoting extracurricular activities, fostering creativity, and encouraging interdisciplinary collaborations.  

Lastly, Dr. Babita Rawat, Associate Professor UIM, passionately enlightened the new faculty members at Uttaranchal Institute of Management about the significance of research collaborations and consultancies. She emphasized how these collaborations can facilitate academic growth, foster interdisciplinary research and create opportunities for innovative solutions.  

Vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Abhilasha Chauhan, Assistant Professor UIM, Uttaranchal University. 

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