A Workshop on National Education Policy was organised for faculty members of School of Applied and Life Sciences on 2nd May 2023. Prof. Dr. Ajay Singh was the keynote speaker for the occasion.
Prof. Ajay Singh highlighted the key points as per NEP-2020 with opportunity for learners to choose the courses of their interest in all disciplines and flexibility to move from one discipline of study to another.
NEP- 2020 facilitates multiple entry and exit options with UG certificate/ UG diploma/ or degree depending upon the number of credits secured. Further it gives flexibility to learner to switch to alternative modes of learning (offline, ODL, and Online learning, and hybrid modes of learning).
90 working days per semester and Summer term of Eight weeks (08-10 credits) is recommended.
NEP-2020 lays emphasis on Global Citizenship Education and Education for Sustainable Development to form an integral part of the curriculum. He elaborated the entire structure of curriculum having Disciplinary/interdisciplinary major and Disciplinary/interdisciplinary minor for B.Sc & M.Sc courses as per NEP-2020.
Progress towards achievement of learning outcomes will be assessed using time-constrained examinations, closed-book and open book tests, problem-based assignments, practical assignment laboratory reports, observation of practical skills, individual project reports (case-study reports), team project reports, oral presentations, including seminar presentation, viva voce interviews computerized adaptive assessment, examination on demand, modular certifications, etc.
The Workshop was very informative and everyone thanked Prof. Ajay Singh for the knowledge enhancing session.