Law College Dehradun organized 18th Edition of Smt. Sushila Devi Memorial Moot Court Competition

UU Doon
2 minute read


Law College Dehradun faculty of Uttaranchal University under the aegis of its Moot Court Society (LCDMCS) organized the 18th edition of Smt. Sushila Devi Memorial Moot Court Competition on 6 May 2023. Vice President of the Smt. Sushila Devi Society, Mrs. Anuradha Joshi was present as a special guest, and Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Senior Civil Judge Mr. Harsh Yadav, Dean Prof. Rajesh Bahuguna and Advocate Shantnu Gaur were present as judges on the occasion.

In the final round of the competition, the petition based on POCSO and termination of pregnancy related laws was debated. The main issue was whether seeking parental permission for abortion of a minor girl would violate the reproductive rights of the woman? Arguing on behalf of the woman, the students argued that any law or directive that bans abortion on a woman would be a direct violation of her reproductive rights. Young mooters representing the government said that the law of the country clearly lays down, under what circumstances a woman can get an abortion. Prohibition within the ambit of law on conduct like abortion is never a violation of fundamental rights. After a close contest, the following were declared winners by the judges.

  • Winners: Yash Gupta, Siddhartha Parashar, Jatin Rana,
  • Runner Up – Tanvi Jindal, Sushant Uniyal, Prasidh Nautiyal,
  • Best Male Mooter - Sushant Uniyal, Best Female Mooter – Vanshita Mandrawal,
  • Best Memorial – Yash Gupta, Siddhartha Parashar, Jatin Rana,
  • Best Researcher – Jatin Rana

The winners were awarded a rolling trophy and cash prize of Rs.25000/- by Mrs. Anuradha Joshi. Senior Civil Judge Harsh Yadav, who was the chief judge, said that the legal research and debate presented by the law students was excellent. The standard of presentation was top notch and it was a unique experience for him to be a part of the Moot Court at Law College Dehradun.

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