One-day workshop on " Sustainable Production and Consumption: Promoting SDG 12 Through Responsible Beverage Choices"

UU Doon


A workshop on " Sustainable Production and Consumption: Promoting SDG 12 Through Responsible Beverage Choices" was held on 26 April 2023, at the Uttaranchal School of Hotel & Hospitality Management (USHHM), Uttaranchal University. Mr. Manish Badoni, USHHM's principal, inaugurated the event. He addressed the audience and welcomed Mr. Manish Bhatt, Brand Ambassador at Mathieu Teisserie.

Mr. Manish gave a presentation on the culture of Organic or biodynamic wines: These are made using sustainable farming practices and avoid the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Here he also gives an insight into the use of Low-alcohol beverages: Choosing beverages with a lower alcohol content can help to reduce the negative environmental impact associated with the production and transportation of alcoholic beverages.

The purpose of this workshop is to make industry-inclined students aware of sustainable practices that have evolved over time to balance the need of the environment. The astonishing point of the workshop was when the resource person elaborated on how we can reuse the Waste generated from the alcohol-producing industries through biogas production- such as spent grains, can be used to produce biogas, Animal feed: Spent grains and other by-products from alcohol production can be used as animal feed, particularly for livestock such as cattle.

At the end of the session, Mr. Manish also demonstrated the making process of a few beverages which can be opted as substitute drinks as a sustainable choice.

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