The annual Alumni Meet of School of Agriculture (SOA) 2024

Uttaranchal University

The annual Alumni Meet of School of Agriculture (SOA), Uttaranchal University, Dehradun was held on 03-12-2024 at Uttaranchal University, Dehradun. The event brought together alumni from 2024 passing out batches, providing them with an opportunity to reconnect with old friends, reminisce about their time at the institution, and share their professional and personal achievements. 

The meeting was inaugurated by Prof (Dr) M P Singh, Director, SOA, who gave an inspiring speech emphasizing the importance of staying connected with one’s alma mater. The event also included speeches from key faculty members and current students, highlighting the institution’s growth and the new initiatives being introduced. A special segment was dedicated to honouring alumni who have excelled in their respective fields, with awards presented in recognition of their contributions to society. 

Throughout the event, there was a strong sense of nostalgia as attendees shared fond memories of their college days. The interactive sessions and networking opportunities allowed alumni to engage in meaningful conversations, exchange career advice, and explore potential collaborations. The highlight of the evening was cultural programme current students and where alumni mingled with faculty members and students, strengthening the bond between the past and present. 

The event was a success, with over 30 alumni attending from diverse professions including Agribusiness, Horticulture, Agronomy, Poultry Farming and Plant Science. The meet served as a reminder of the strong community that exists within the institution and underscored the importance of maintaining lifelong connections. 

The organizers expressed their gratitude to all those who attended and contributed to the success of the event. Plans are already underway for next year’s meet, with hopes of making it even more inclusive and engaging. The Alumni Meet continues to be a vital platform for fostering a sense of unity and pride among the alumni of School of Agriculture (SOA), Uttaranchal University, Dehradun.

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