Alumni talk on “Alumni Echoes: The Pursuit of Excellence through Further Studies in Hospitality”

UU Doon


The Alumni Committee of Uttaranchal School of Hotel & Hospitality Management, Uttaranchal University hosted an enlightening alumni talk on the theme, "Alumni Echoes: The Pursuit of Excellence through Further Studies in Hospitality” on September 28, 2023, featured an esteemed guest speaker, Mr. Abhishek Rajpoot, a distinguished alumnus of the batch BHM 2018-22. 

The alumni talk session was a vibrant and insightful gathering that aimed to inspire current students and shed light on the possibilities that lie ahead in the field of hospitality, particularly through further studies. 

Mr. Abhishek Rajpoot, who has carved a successful career in the hospitality industry, shared his personal journey and the transformative role of continuing education in his career. He emphasized the importance of lifelong learning in staying competitive and achieving excellence in the ever-evolving hospitality sector. 

During his engaging talk, Mr. Rajpoot touched upon various facets of further studies in hospitality, including specialized programs, management courses, and industry certifications. He highlighted the significant impact these educational pursuits can have on one's career trajectory. 

The event was attended by students, faculty, and staff of the School of Hotel & Hospitality Management. Mr. Rajpoot's personal anecdotes, coupled with his professional achievements, left a lasting impression on the audience. His insights into the world of hospitality, combined with the advantages of continued education, resonated with the aspiring hoteliers and hospitality enthusiasts in attendance. 

Mr. Surendra Singh Bhakuni, Executive Member, Alumni Committee, Uttaranchal School of Hotel & Hospitality Management, expressed his gratitude to Mr. Rajpoot for sharing his valuable experiences and motivating the students to pursue excellence in their educational journey.  

The event concluded with a lively Q&A session, where students had the opportunity to seek guidance directly from the accomplished alumnus. Mr. Rajpoot's presence and words of wisdom left the audience inspired and motivated to explore the endless possibilities that further studies in hospitality can offer. 

 The Alumni Talk on "Alumni Echoes: The Pursuit of Excellence through Further Studies in Hospitality" was indeed a remarkable event that underscored the importance of continuous learning and the bright prospects it brings in the field of hospitality. It served as a beacon of inspiration for the students, guiding them toward a path of excellence in their chosen careers. 

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