Uttaranchal School of Computing Sciences organized an Alumni Interaction Meet - 2023

UU Doon


Uttaranchal School of Computing Sciences organized an Alumni Interaction Meet on August 18, 2023, with the primary objective of fostering connections between current students and alumni, thereby nurturing young minds and keeping them updated with recent trends in the market. The distinguished speakers for this event were Mr. Kishan Singh Bisht (Senior Associate-Technical Lead, Cognizant, Pune) and Mr. Ankit Gairola (Senior Software Engineer, Level 3, Cognizant, Noida).

The program commenced with the felicitation of our esteemed alumni guests by the Honorable Chancellor, Shri Jitendra Joshi Ji. This was followed by welcoming remarks from Prof. (Dr.) Sonal Sharma, Dean of USCS, and Dr. Sameer Dev Sharma, Head of the Department at USCS. In her welcome address, Prof. Sharma underscored the importance of acquiring technical skills across various domains such as software development, web development, cyber security, and quantum computing, to name a few, in order to remain relevant in today's rapidly evolving industry landscape.

Subsequently, Mr. Kishan Singh Bisht engaged in an interactive session with the students, offering guidance on choosing domains that align with their interests, which could range from telecom and healthcare to automation, retail, and banking. He recommended specific courses to enhance their skillsets and seize career opportunities, emphasizing the significance of effective time management and self-discipline.

Mr. Ankit Gairola shared his personal journey from university to the corporate world, shedding light on the latest technologies prevalent in the market. He emphasized the pivotal role of communication skills in securing placements for diverse roles at various companies. During this session, students sought advice on developing programming skills and which technologies to focus on.

The event concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Dr. Sameer Dev Sharma, Head of the Department at USCS. Mr. Harshit Gupta, Assistant Professor at USCS, served as the Master of Ceremonies for the event. The event received invaluable support from Mr. Praveen Shah, Head of the Alumni Cell, Ms. Upasana Rana, Mr. Amarjeet Rawat, Mr. Shubham Sharma, Ms. Manisha Saini, and Ms. Manisha Khanduja. Overall, the event was a resounding success.

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