One-day national workshop on “Instrumentation Techniques for Characterization and Analysis of Materials”

UU Doon
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The Department of Chemistry, under the aegis of the School of Applied and Life Sciences, Uttaranchal University, organized a One-day national workshop on “Instrumentation Techniques for Characterization and Analysis of Materials” on 29 April 2023. The workshop aimed to inculcate information regarding various techniques of characterization such as X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDX), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) etc. to graduate and undergraduate students of chemistry. More than 40 students from different courses in Chemistry participated in the workshop.

The workshop was inaugurated by lighting of the auspicious lamp by Prof (Dr) Ajay Singh, Dean SALS, Chairperson, Dr Bharti Ramola, Convener, Dr Amit Anthwal, Co-Convener, Dr Shivam Pandey, Organizing Secretary along with resource persons for the workshop Ms Ashima Juyal and Dr Shweta Bisht. Prof (Dr) Ajay Singh delivered a talk that elaborated on the significance of these approaches for the characterization and study of materials. His talk was very well received. After that, the resource person, Ms Asima Juyal, and Dr Shweta Bisht gave the students a more in-depth presentation on these methods. The next session was held at the Research and Innovation Cell of Uttaranchal University, where students gained hands-on experience with these techniques. Students were provided with detailed information on various techniques, and their instrumentation, operation, and various applications were also demonstrated. Additionally, students learned how to prepare samples for various analyses. 

The event was coordinated by Prof (Dr) Bharti Ramola, Program Co-ordinator, Chemistry and Organizing Secretary Dr Shivam Pandey. A Vote of thanks was proposed by Dr Bharti Ramola.  

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