Faculty of Nursing, Uttaranchal College of Nursing, Uttaranchal University organized a debate competition on discrimination against women as a part of special drive advised by UGC on 07/12/2022 to observe discrimination against women. In the event B.Sc Nursing IInd semester students has introduced the topic of discrimination against women they include pros and cons of women discrimination as well . The debate is moderated by Dean of UCN Mrs. Meenakshi G, all the faculty members. Throughout the two hours competition students showcased their talent and knowledge among the students they highlighted same point as incidence rate in India the factor, progress and achievement, challenges, and struggles, right to quality, right to education, right to work, right to against domestic violence.
At the end program the status of women in India has improved significantly in the recent year but there is still a long way to go, and it is essential to recognize the achievements of women and addressing the challenges.