Law College Dehradun organizes Clothes and Blankets Donation Drive

Uttaranchal University
1 minute read


Law College Dehradun organized Clothes and Blanket Distribution drive on December 28, 2022, under the aegis of National Service Scheme, which aimed on providing warm clothes and blankets to those who are in need. This was done with the support of all the studentsof Law College Dehradun who donated their old clothes. Students were requested to bring to the college premise any clothes which they wished to donate. The drive was conducted with an aim to donate old clothes to the underprivileged near riverbank, Nanda ki Chowki, Dehradun.

The initiative behind the drive which led to its success was “Old clothes still can warm many people, this winter donate.”

The NSS Volunteers along with Dr. Khaleeq Ahmad, NSS coordinator of Law College Dehradun was present at the occasion and organized the drive smoothly. The drive turned out to be a success because of the support and blessings of Dr. Rajesh Bahuguna, Dean, Law College Dehradun. Dr. Poonam Rawat, HOD, Law College Dehradun appreciated the efforts of the entire team and pointed out that such campaigns must be held consistently.

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