Law College Dehradun organized National Webinar Series 2.0 On “Environment- The Spectrum of Life”

Uttaranchal University
2 minute read


Law College Dehradun under the aegis of Vasundhara-the green society by continuing its tradition presented the second edition of National webinar series with the theme “Environment-the spectrum of life” on the topic “International Environment Consciousness” from 26 - 29 December 2022, wherein environmental enthusiasts participated to witness brilliant speakers having comprehensive and applaudable knowledge in the field of environmental jurisprudence.

The Day-1 of the series commenced in the presence of Prof. (Dr) Rajesh Bahuguna sir Dean, Law College Dehradun, Pro Vice Chancellor, Uttaranchal University and Dr. Lakshmi Priya Vinjamuri, Chairperson, Vasundhara- The Green Society along with Dr. Pradeep Mehta, an eminent advocate. And head of UNDP, Uttarakhand. He stressed upon “R ole of mountain ecosystem in environment sustainability” and focused upon the fact that every species on this planet is essential and further explained the basic but vital terms related to the environment which included biodiversity, flora and fauna and other such terms. The second day began with Mr. Chandra P Sharma, who is currently a senior technical officer in wildlife institution India, Dehradun. He shared his views on the topic wildlife crime and enforcement. He stated that the world has been confronted by wildlife crimes for decades, but in recent years there has been a change in this illicit activity. Wildlife trafficking can destroy the natural resources on which national economies and livelihoods depend.

Mr. Pradeep Rai who is a Senior Advocate and Vice-President of the Supreme Court Bar Association defined Environmentalism as the ideology that underpins environmental consciousness. Environmentalists believe that all living things, including the environment, have rights that must be protected. Fighting forest fires, eating GMO-free foods, and dressing in "trash ion". The last day was graced by Professor Ahmad Naseem who focused on a very quintessential topic “Sustainable Development”. He briefed the audience about the prototypical Stockholm declaration & Rio declaration and threw light upon every aspect. The session was a knowledgeable one and the speakers did justice to the theme of the webinar by elucidating environmental jurisprudence.

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