On 29 March 2023, Wednesday, 45 students from the School of Liberal Arts (SLA) visited a nearby village Kotra Santaur, Dehradun Uttarakhand to spread awareness about the importance on education for young children, which is an important issue to be addressed in rural areas. The university provided an opportunity to the School of Liberal Arts to be part of NSS, in the 7 days long camp (25th to 31st March, 2023) to organize an educational and donation drive in villages and slums. The students of SLA benevolently donated study materials, and stationery resources (Books, Notebooks, Crayons, Pens, Pencils, etc) for the donation drive. Students organized themselves into groups to distribute charity resources to needy young children, brought up in penury and aware of them and their caretakers about the importance of education. The teams interacted with the Villagers and encouraged them to enroll their children in a local government institute.
The team also visited a local government primary school, where they taught children about the importance of physical games, exercises and yoga and played sports and games with them, and also did some other physical workouts, and donated study materials and sports equipment too. Team NSS also spread information to girls about their educational rights and what actions to take if someone tries to violate them. NSS team also visited Aaganbadi, where they distributed food refreshments and resources for small growing children, there they also promoted awareness about good education. There was also a rally conducted on the roads, with posters, powerfully quoted, about the educational rights of young children. Then the NSS team also visited slum areas, where they distributed stationery items and food packets and other resources, to the children and their mothers residing there.