Law College Dehradun celebrates Uttarakhand Sthapna Diwas Event

Uttaranchal University

Law College Dehradun under the aegis of its Legal Aid Centre, in collaboration with National Cadet Corps organized a memorable event on the 24th Uttarakhand Sthapna Diwas on 9 November 2023. The event marked its beginning with the gracious presence of Chief Guest, Mr Pradeep Kukretti, President, Uttarakhand Rajya Aandolankaari Manch, Dehradun. Chancellor, Uttaranchal University, Shri. Jitender Joshi. Vice-President, Dr Satbir Sehgal. Vice- Chancellor, Prof (Dr) Dharam Buddhi. Pro Vice- Chancellor, Uttaranchal University, Dean, Law College Dehradun, Director, Legal Aid Centre, Prof (Dr) Rajesh Bahuguna. Principal and Dy. Director, Legal Aid Centre, Prof (Dr) Poonam Rawat, and Chairperson, Legal Aid Centre, Mr Abhiranjan Dixit. The event aimed to commemorate the sacrifices of Kargil war martyrs and shed light on the various movements that paved the way for the establishment of Uttarakhand as a state.  

A skit, accompanied by lecture of the chief guest unfolded the historical narrative of Uttarakhand's statehood movements. Following this, Dr Bahuguna emphasized the unique attributes of Uttarakhand, such as its sacred places like Badrinath and Kedarnath, and noted the deep-rooted connection between the people of Uttarakhand and the defence forces, highlighting the dedication of every Uttarakhand household to serving the nation.  

Thereafter, the Chief Guest for the event, Mr Pradeep Kukretti, stressed the importance of not overlooking the challenges faced by the martyrs and their substantial contributions, which led to the formation of Uttarakhand as a separate state. Mr Kukretti highlighted that this movement transcended religious and regional boundary, echoing the principles of Mahatma Gandhi. Prof (Dr) Dharam Buddhi highlighted Uttarakhand's significant contributions to India's economic development. The event concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks from Prof (Dr) Poonam Rawat who expressed gratitude to the dignitaries and highlighted the importance of such events in fostering a sense of unity and pride among the students and the community.

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