Workshop on Satellites design and its potential in Space Technology Start- ups

Uttaranchal University


The Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Aerospace Engineering, UIT, Uttaranchal University organized a workshop on "SATELLITES DESIGN AND ITS POTENTIAL IN SPACE TECHNOLOGY START-UPS", on 31 October 2022. The event was inaugurated with the lamp lighting by Prof. (Dr.) Dharan Buddhi, Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof(Dr) S.D Pandey (Dean-UIT), Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Joshi (HoD-ME), Mr. Awadhesh Chandramauli (HoD-CE), Dr. Minakshi Memoria (HoD-CSE), Prof. (Dr). DVA Raghava Murthy, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Dhama (HoD-Aerospace Engineering Department), and

faculty members, followed by the University Kulgeet.The keynote speaker of the event was Prof. (Dr). DVA Raghava Murthy ('Secretary, Society for small satellite systems" Former Director, Chandrayaan-II, ISRO, and HQ).

In his talk, Vice Chancellor of the University Prof. (Dr.) Dharam Buddhi welcomed everyone and presented the speaker to the audience. He also highlighted the purpose of the workshop and gave the participants advice on how to begin their projects.

Prof. (Dr) S.D Pandey, Dean-UIT also welcomed the guest and shared his views on different aspects of satellite design.Chief Guest Prof. (Dr.) DVA Raghava Murthy addressed the crowd, sharing his insights on a broad range of topics including small satellites, single satellite missions, and potential in technology and application.

The program was coordinated by Mr. Vivek John (Assistant Professor-Mechanical Engineering Department), and Ms. Ruby Pant (Assistant Professor-Mechanical Engineering Department).Mr. Gaurav Thakur(Assistant Professor-Civil Engineering Department) proposed a formalvote of thanks.

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