Law College Dehradun organised an International Webinar on “Ecological Restoration to enhance the quality of life on Earth”

UU Doon


Law College Dehradun, Faculty of Uttaranchal University, organized an International Webinar under the aegis of Vasundhara - The Green Society, on the occasion of the ‘Earth Day’ on 22nd April 2022. “A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers, but borrowed from his children”, connecting this alluring quote by John James Audubon, the webinar provided a detailed view on the topic ‘Ecological Restoration to enhance the quality of life on Earth’ by the keynote speaker, Dr. Philippe Cullet, Professor of International and Environmental Law SOAS University of London.

Embracing the traditions that mark the start of an event in our University, opening remarks were delivered exemplarily by Ms Hritul Rawat, Executive member of  VTGS and after a brief introduction of the noteworthy speaker by Dr. Lakshmi PriyaVinjamuri, respected chairperson of the society, and a heart-warming welcome to the speaker by renowned Prof. (Dr.) Rajesh Bahuguna, Dean of Law College Dehradun, Faculty of Uttaranchal University, the session was handed over to the solicited speaker for the start of this enlightening session. Further, Dr. Philippe Cullet threw some light and shared his opinions on the theme of the conference, Ecological Restoration to enhance the quality of life on Earth. An ecological system (or ecosystem) is a community of biotic and abiotic factors interacting with each other. For instance, living organisms share the benefits of a particular space and environment. They are the foundation of the ‘Biosphere’ and maintain the natural balance of the earth. Each organism in an ecosystem has its role and purpose. On the other hand, ecosystem degradation is a global environmental problem that decreases the capacity of species to survive. Around 60% of the Earth’s ecosystem has been degraded in the past 60 years. This continuous practice makes it hard for our natural ecosystem to cope and adjust soon, despite our best efforts it will be too late for them to recover.

The webinar was a great learning experience for the participants, which helped them in understanding the Significance of quality of life on Earth. The session was ended by Mr. Shaurya Negi, Executive member of the society after vote of thanks.

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