Law College Dehradun organized Connaitre 5.0

Uttaranchal University
1 minute read

Law College Dehradun, organized Connaitre 5.0: A Training Session on Model United Nations and Youth Parliament on October 10, 2024, under the aegis of the Youth Parliament Society.                                                                                                                              

The event aimed to introduce freshers to the foundational principles of Youth Parliament and Model United Nations (MUN), equipping them with essential skills in diplomacy, public speaking, and parliamentary procedures. The event was attended by over 150 students all eager to hone their leadership skills and deepen their understanding of international relations and civic engagement. The program was divided into two main sessions, each focused on different training areas. The session commenced with a warm welcome by Abhiraj Singh Nayal, an executive member of the Youth Parliament Society. His address set the tone for the day, highlighting the Society’s commitment to engaging young minds in discussions on pressing social and political issues. 

The first session on MUN focused on training students for simulations and was conducted by Samiksha Bhardwaj. She introduced the students to the concept of MUN, where participants assume the roles of delegates representing different countries and work collaboratively to address global challenges from their respective countries' perspectives. This interactive demonstration provided students with a clearer picture of events, inspiring many to envision themselves in similar roles. 

The second session, focused on Youth Parliament, was conducted by Krishna Sharma, executive member of the Youth Parliament Society. He introduced the students to the Youth Parliament platform. To enhance comprehension, the session included a mock Youth Parliament demonstration by society members, showcasing the procedural flow and creating a more immersive experience for the audience. 

The event concluded with vote of thanks delivered by Ms Anushka Singh, the Convenor of the Youth Parliament Society, who expressed gratitude to the participants, and encouraged students to continue engaging with the Youth Parliament Society and Model United Nations. 

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