Summer Internship on Internet of Things & Cyber Physical System

Uttaranchal University
2 minute read


Centre of Excellence in Smart devices and IoT applications under the aegis of Division of Research & Innovation conducted Summer Internship on Internet of Things & Cyber Physical System of 4/6 weeks course for the students at the Uttaranchal University from 06-06-2023 to 06-07-2023. As a part of participation, 40 students are registered from the Uttaranchal Institute of Technology (CSE), School of Agriculture (SoA), School of Applied & Life Sciences (SALS), and Uttaranchal Institute of management (UIM). The internship, the students have learned the programming of the Internet of Things (IoT) board through Arduino with various sensors, actuators and LCD display and also their simulations in Proteus software.  In addition to this, the student has learned about the interfacing of the Blynk Cloud Mobile App and Thing Speak server for monitoring and controlling the IoT devices through internet connectivity. In the final of internship, the students have developed different projects on different problem statement such as agriculture, automatic irrigation, personal assisted robot, smart street light, forest fire detection, home automation. The Summer Internship at Uttaranchal University's Department of Research and Innovation commenced on June 6, 2023, with Prof (Dr.) Dharam Buddhi, the Vice Chancellor, serving as the Guest of Honor. The first week focused on Industry 4.0 and its technologies like IoT, AI, big data, robotics, blockchain, and AR/VR. Students engaged in hands-on practice with a customized IoT board, learning basic programming and various applications. They explored Google Patents for research documentation and used Microsoft Vision and Draw IO software for effective diagram representation. Some groups completed patent annexures and began working on unique IoT and cloud server-based ideas. Industrial experts provided guidance, and students independently developed their projects using IoT coding and cloud server skills. Final presentations were made before the External Examiner and university dignitaries. Each group received appreciation from the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Vice President, and Pro-vice Chancellor. The Chancellor and Vice Chancellor declared the winners of the Summer IoT Internship for their outstanding projects addressing societal issues with advanced technology.

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